Athletes push their bodies to their optimal point, and sometimes it results in spine injuries. Knowledge and awareness of the forms of spinal injuries in sports, how they occur, and how they can be addressed are important to athletes, trainers, and caregivers. Such injuries are best diagnosed and treated by clinics such as Croydon Sports Injury & Spinal Clinic incorporating professional athletes back to their prime performance.
Athlete’s spine injuries refer to any harm that befalls the spine in those individuals involved in an athletic endeavor due to traumatism or overloading. Accidents relating to spinal injuries in sports have historically been associated with sporting events.
Studies have shown that the number of spinal cord injuries that have been attributed to sports in the United States is ten percent out of a total of a hundred. Football, rugby wrestling, ice hockey, skiing and mountaineering, diving and snowboarding, and motoring sports and activities are among the frequently given risky exercises leading to fatal spinal injuries.
Low back pain is amongst the most frequently reported ailments in all athletes, participants of both professional and amateur levels. Lower back injury is common in the lumbar spine because the majority of it supports the upper body weight and also engages in lifting, pulling, and twisting because of its mobility. Other types of spinal injuries in sports that are common in athletes include; cervical fractures and quadriplegia by axial compression forces on the head during a particular sports activity.
The human backbone also known as the spine is important for supporting, providing smooth motion, and sheltering the delicate spinal cord. It consists of bony rings or bodies named vertebrae along with the in-between adjacent discs of fibrous connective tissues named intervertebral discs. The symmetry and strength of the body are provided by the vertebral column composed of vertebrae and discs starting from the neck to the pelvis.
Football and wrestling among the contact sports commonly relate to the neck also known as the cervical spine. One example is a stinger or a burner or nerve pinch injury. Well-known in football, it involves the nerves in the area of the neck and shoulder and occurs in two ways: Head impact which leads to the squeezing of the spinal cord within the neck; or the stretching of the nerves within the area by a blow along the lateral plane.
They are the lower back (lumbar spine), the middle back area, and the neck or upper back (thoracic spine) which is in the middle and upper area of the back and covers the rib cage region. Thoracic spine injuries are not very frequent, because this region is supported and not very mobile. Some of the injuries when they happen include; Rib injuries and Muscle strains, which are common in sports that involve torsional movements like swimming, golfing, or tennis.
The most impacted region of the back in sports is the lumbar spine which is often affected in sports injuries. Any running sports, and weight lifting impact routines like loading put force on the lower back, and sports with twisting movements like golfing exert additional pressure on the lower back part of the body. Hence, the majority of lower back pain is through problems with muscles, ligaments, discs, and joints of the lower back.
However, some more serious conditions can also occur and are common causes of back pain in sports. These include spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis. These conditions are common in athletes who take part in activities like gymnastics, volleyball, diving, dancing, and cheerleading, where they often twist and bend their spines backward.
Spine injuries in athletes can happen due to several reasons, such as:
Common spinal injuries in sports that athletes may suffer include:
Sprains: Strains occur when a ligament the tissue that connects to two bones at a joint is stretched or torn. This often occurs in joints like the ankle, wrist, or knee.
Strains: The injury in the tendon or muscle (the attachment of bone to muscle is by this tissue)
The fractured vertebrae is defined as the breaking of one or more bones in the spine. Spinal fractures are of two main types:
This type of injury of the neck happens with a sudden movement of the neck forward or backward, similar to a whiplash motion.
Effects: This can cause certain disorders to muscles, ligaments, and discs throughout the cervical section of the spine.
This is a disease that affects two bones that are related in that they make up for a joint in that they are pulled out of place.
A partial dislocation is when the bones in a joint are damaged but still in contact with each other.
A condition whereby the soft interior of an intervertebral disc prolapses through a rupture in the hard exterior thereby exerting pressure on neighboring nerves.
A localized accumulation of blood in or around a body tissue without the occurrence of blood vessel involvement.
Partial Tears: A ligament involves stretching up to the point of near tear, but is not completely torn.
Complete Tears: It is a complete ligament injury and may need an operation.
The universal sign of spinal injuries in sports is pain. Depending on the extent of the trauma, one may suffer injuries that affect the spinal nerves by causing inflammation, or loses muscle control and may not feel anything. It may lead to paralysis, reduced movement, rigidity, and hence immobility. The signs and symptoms that showed spinal injuries in athletes are;
Your doctor will review your symptoms and then carry out a physical evaluation of your extremities, movement, strength, and sensation. To gain more in-depth information concerning the diagnosis of spinal injuries in sports due to trauma other tests like X-rays, CT, and MRI scans may be conducted.
Spine treatment injuries in athletes depend on the site and severity of the damage that the injury has on spinal nerves and other structures. Some of the common treatment options include:
The cautions/ approaches involved in preventing spine injuries in athletes are;
For the treatment of spinal cord injuries in sports, athletes can rely on the Croydon Sports Injury and Spinal Clinic. They have modern facilities and achieve results with professionals who work with injured athletes to give them the physical strength needed to return to the field. Their experience does guarantee that each patient is treated through diagnosis, treatment, and final recovery.
Spine injuries may lead to considerable impairment of the athletic ability, general health status, and future quality of life of an athlete. Creating awareness of typical types, causes, symptoms, and treatment of spine injuries goes a long way in helping athletes and sports medicine personnel to seek treatment and advice in preventing spine injuries, ensuring that athletes achieve their performances while adhering to medical advice concerning their spine.
Do you feel spine pain or discomfort and you are an athlete? Then it is high time you booked an appointment with MSpine right now! This involves the health of your spine and none is more critical to your wellbeing as an athlete than your spine.
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